Friday, April 9, 2010

4/9/10 --first blog entry

So it's friday... So it's blog time... Well... To sum up my feelings about life right now, listen to "What are you looking for?" by Sick Puppies. I don't know how I feel... Empty? That sounds about right, I feel like my life, feelings, head, whatever, is just a total void with no hope of filling. I feel as though there are holes in my soul and my life is leaking out and drifting away. People seem distant, I feel as though I'm living alone even when I'm surrounded by friends. I'm not depressed or anything, I'm still the happy me, but a the end of the day I feel as though it was wasted, as though my life means next to nothing. I love track, it takes my mind off life and I can just focus on running, or correct form, or how my next jump will be, and at the end all I don't think much because I'm so tired and sore. But then I get home and the real world comes back, the world where I feel like I mean nothing. I have friends, a loving family, a good faith life... But I can't escape the meaninglessness of it all. I'm not "emo" or anything like that, I just can't answer one simple question: Why?

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I'm making this blog just for fun(and to vent at the end of every week) and I will be updating it every Friday. Expect no consistency whatsoever from this blog. One week I might be writing about the nature of sponges in our daily lives, and the next about some totally random, trivial, and totally unimportant part of my week. I don't expect anyone to read this so it's mostly for my own pleasure in writing then in actually being informative or interesting.
Do not expect the unexpected. For I'm too lazy to be unexpected. however you can expect the following: randomness, totally made up words, references to things only one person will understand, big words, confusing phrases, and a talent for making everything unnecessarily lengthy.

sincerely, Alexander C. Muravez --bored sophomore